להגיב ל: האם ניתן לעשות resource עבור כמה פקדים יחד?

  • דסי אביעזרי

    03/05/2020 ב7:44 am

    אני אכתוב את זה באנגלית מקווה שכך זה יהיה יותר ברור: I try to create a grid with many lines. each line contain many controls. all the lines are the same what I did now is to duplicate all the controls, but when I need to change something – I need to duplicate the change for all the lines. Is there any easy way? like to build Resource that contains many controls, and each line will contain only the resource, and the changes will be only once in resource.
    I try to do it but get many errors. what is the right way? Thanks

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